
MFM Manchester Community

Loving God, Loving people and influencing society in a community where there are no boundaries.


This mission seeks to change the lives of men by making them discover themselves, bringing them closer to God, and encouraging them to become men of integrity, who will make a significant and beneficial impact in the lives of their children, spouses, families, in society and in all facets of life.

Children Ministry

MFM Manchester children department is devoted to bringing up children in the way of the Lord. We have passion for the spiritual growth of children and ensuring that all children are close to God from their very young age. We teach children about the word of God and about how to live a Godly life.


MFM Manchester Women Foundation

The Women Foundation is geared to train and empower all women with skills in their specific areas, in order to fulfil their family obligations as help mate to their husbands. Equally, the women are spiritually strengthened through seminars, workshops and prayer sessions organized regularly

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